To expand a little on what I posted before, for a lengthier history
lesson, it's instructive to put the magnitude of the Famine into perspective. Ireland had
been basically enslaved by the British, as the colonizing force, for 700 years
(since ~1160). Land was divided among the British gentry and the native Irish
became tenant farmers. Even with this servitude existence the population
swelled from 5 million from about 1800 to 8 million by 1840. This population
then underwent a drastic reduction during and just after the Famine to about 5
million within 20 years. Half died of starvation and about half emigrated
overseas, to the U.S. , England , Australia ,
and Canada [i].
With the greatest percentage, possibly 75%, ending up in America . The history of Ireland thus
was of wretchedly poor people constantly emigrating from their homeland for nearly
a century. In fact Ireland 's
population had been down as low as 4 million with the constant exodus. Given
the normal population growths due to births this is even more drastic than the
numbers would indicate. I believe the island of Ireland
is about 5 million people now and only within the last decade has had a
resurgence in vitality it has never known. For a while it was referred to as
the Celtic Tiger. It would be a good time to visit as they are actively
encouraging tourism and people returning to their roots. Due to this massive
Diaspora it is estimated that 40 million Americans can trace their roots to Ireland (70
million internationally)!
Part of what had fueled the initial
massive growth of population in the first half of the 19th century
was in part due to the potato. Ironically there is a book written about it with
a title "How the Humble Spud Rescued
the Western World". Ireland
was particularly well suited to the potato. It was a relatively easy crop to
raise, it tolerated poor soil, the climate was well matched to it (wet and
overcast) and the nutrition from it was unparalleled. The Irish diet became all
dependent on it since they raised a crop to pay for their rent to the British[ii]
(usually grain crops). Their food crop was the potato which they could easily
tend to and had enough nutrition to subsist on (four times the food content of
grain and it did not require any further processing, it could be just dug up
and ate.) I suggest the next time you are at the supermarket you find a big bag
of potatoes, a 10 pound bag, at minimum, 15 pounds if you’re a male. Lift it up
and peer at it….that's your diet for the day,
each and every day, spread out in three meals a day! The potato had enough nutrients and energy
content to need little else. Now try to figure out a way to cook it up so that
it was palatable, day after day after day after…. When the potato crop failed,
due to a blight (phytophthora infestans, a fungus disease) that was imported
from America to the European
Continent, and then to Ireland ,
it ruined the crop, literally, almost overnight. (they say the stench from the
rotting plants was unbearable.) This continued for a half a dozen years in a
row. The cash crops used to pay their rents weren't sufficient for their own
sustenance and pay for rent, so there
were wholesale evictions. Homes were burnt to the ground by the landlords and
people were turned out into the lanes to move on, many dying of starvation,
right there in the lanes, while others were fortunate enough to get passage
elsewhere, as our kin were.
Leaving Ireland , in the face of the
overwhelming disaster of the famine, the immigrants were not greeted with ready
acceptance. While we historically think of America as the land of opportunity
that many immigrants eagerly sought out, this was, to most of them, forced
exile. Dob e'iagean dom imeacht ge Meirice, or "I had to go to America ", or "Going to America
was a necessity"[iii]. Families held "American Wakes" for
departing kin. To them it was like a death since once a family left it was
unlikely that they'd even be seen again. Even in the subsistence existence of
these poor people they dearly loved their island. In the collective conscience
of those that remained there is a dating of this time as "pre"-famine
and "post"-famine. The music, gaiety, tradition, and liveliness that
characterized the time before the famine was reduced dramatically for
generations afterwards. It is wonderful to see the energy return to modern Ireland .
Our kin did not leave all their
problems and hardships behind in Ireland . While they had
opportunities they also had untold challenges to surmount. It had been held as
common knowledge of the time, that the "Average length of life of the
immigrant after landing here is six years, and many insist less".
"When the Irish arrived, many Irish Immigrants quickly learned that
American seaports were inhabited by what they called 'Yankee Tricksters' who
infested the docklands and tried to rob the unwary Irish of the little capital
or possessions that they had. Those who escaped the human sharks of New York City , New Orleans ,
and other ports soon discovered that their new American employers were often as
harsh and unsympathetic as their old landlords in Ireland "[iv]. Yet even with all
this adversity our kin surmounted their obstacles and persevered.
In researching Irish
in the U.S. ,
for the time frame after the Famine, I find very few that were farmers. Most
likely it was due to their poverty, having no money to purchase land, but even
after being here awhile, when you would presumably think they might have
acquired enough to purchase land, there still weren't many that had land. Part
of this is due to their reluctance to rely on farming as a way of subsistence.
You will, however, find droves of Irish that were the backbone of America 's working
class. Much of the canal systems of the Northeast were due to the Irish. Our
own kin were drawn to the section of Missouri
by the coal mines that underlay Lafayette and Ray counties. Per Young's History of Lafayette County
Missouri, 1910, "the 'Lexington' coal is known to be superior to most
any other in Missouri", and "Lafayette county's large coal fields
have created a demand for miners….with two thousand miners engaged in this
business, most of them foreigners, and while this population is rather transient,
some of them have made permanent homes here." That's what our kin did for
the first 50 years. The hardships that they still had to endure are etched in
the pens of the enumerators on the National census returns every decade. From
that we can see how seasonal the work was. In each of the census is a question
about how many months during the previous year that a man had been out of work.
We see that number to be anywhere from 3-7 months in many cases. (you can just
make out the 3 mos. and 5 mos. in the included 1880 and 1900 census copies,
respectively). How did they survive in the interim? Personally, as someone with
a roundness of belly that has never gone without a meal, I can't imagine.
[ii] In
David McCullough's biographical book entitled "John Adams", Simon
& Schuster, he quotes John Adams letter to the Boston Gazzette (ca. 1874),
"America has every right to determine its own destiny…", or
"could face the subjugation of the kind inflicted on Ireland..."
and.."..face the prospect of living, like the Irish, on potatoes and
Powerful insight by this great man that steered the
course of our country to shake off the tyrany of Britain, lest it follow the
course of history that took the Irish another nearly 150 years to free most of
the island (not all the 32 counties as was desired, leaving Northern Ireland
still to continue to move towards making it, in my own hopes, "whole"
sometime in the future).
It is also instructive of this statement to put things
in perspective. The subsistence nature of the Irish existance on the potato was
not a recent situation prior to the Great Famine, but something that existed
for more than a century before, if not more.